Friday, February 3, 2012

Madonna: “Lady GaGa is not Britney Spears, she’s not built like a brick sh*thouse”

Madonna is confusing us today. We cant tell if shes being kind about Britney Spears or Lady Gaga, or handing them a massive backhanded compliment.

Chatting to The Advocate, Madonna was asked about a recent Time magazine quote that called Madonna the Lady Gaga of the 80s, in the regards to her large gay following. A fair enough if not slightly cheeky question, but its Madonnas response that is perplexing us.
It seems natural, says Madge, And I can see why she has a young gay following. I can see that they connect to her kinda not fitting into the conventional norm..

So far so good, but this is where we get a little lost.

I mean, shes not Britney Spears. Shes not built like a brick sh * thouse. She seems to have had a challenging upbringing, so I can see where she would also have that kinda connection, a symbiotic relationship with gay men..

We not entirely sure what Madonna means when she says that Lady Gaga isnt built like a brick sh * thouse and Brit is. We although thought that GaGa seems pretty strong? Is she dissing GaGa or Britney, neither or just one of them?.

Answers on a postcard or in the comments box below, thats probs a little easier.

Sorry if there is the wrong word, I just reposted from another blog. Thank you.
quoted from:


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